Many institutions carry out a Teaching Space Utilisation Survey at least once each academic year throughout a teaching week, with each of these surveys recording the number of people using their teaching space as well as sometimes checking who is using each teaching space against the timetables for that week. At Education Space Consultancy, Teaching Space Utilisation Surveys are one of the core services we offer to HE and FE institutions, as they are often a seasonal, time consuming and stressful survey to put together, manage and analyse for those working within an HE and FE institution.
So why carry out a Teaching Space Utilisation Survey in the first place? What is it that the institutions are looking to understand and accomplish by carrying out these surveys? This article takes a look at what, in my experience, I believe to be the 5 core reasons and benefits of carrying out a Teaching Space Utilisation Survey.
1) Increasing The Availability Of Teaching Space
I have found that is common amongst institutions for there to be a perception amongst [Read more…]