Why carry out a Functional Suitability Survey?
A functional suitability survey enables an institution to determine how suitable its individual spaces and buildings are in relation to its current occupants (i.e. departments). Typically, this type of survey will be carried out for all the usable spaces within a building/institution and incorporate the factors included below:
1) Environment
2) Layout/plan
3) Location
4) Flexibility
5) Servicing requirements
6) User perception
7) General external environment
The grading of each of these factors using HESA’s ratings (1 Excellent, 2 Good, 3 Fair, 4 Poor) enables an institution to pinpoint areas that are less suitable for their current occupants, with these being of significant benefit to planning the estate from a strategic perspective.
Functional suitability ratings are also a necessary part of the annual EMF return, due the importance this data can have for the strategic planning of an institutions estate
Why choose Education Space Consultancy to carry out a Functional Suitability survey for your institution?
Education Space Consultancy can provide your institution with a professional and experienced on-site functional suitability survey and consultancy report, including detailed data analysis, conclusions, and actionable recommendations that will help you to strategically plan your estate.
In addition to the consultancy report, all data is provided in a format that adheres to HESA/HEFCE requirements enabling you to easily and quickly process your annual return.
As with all services provided by Educational Space Consultancy, project objectives, plans and deadlines are agreed upon before the start of the project to help ensure that you get the service you want, when you want it.
Interested in Education Space Consultancy carrying out a functional suitability survey for you?
If you are interested in Education Space Consultancy carrying out a functional suitability survey for you or have any questions in relation to this, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with Ben Moreland, Director of Education Space Consultancy directly, ben.moreland@educationspaceconsultancy.com or complete the contact form below: