T Levels are the new Level 3 qualification to be provided alongside A Levels and Apprenticeships and are to be phased in during 2020, 2021, 2022. Click here for our T Levels summary.
The T Levels Capital Fund comprising of £38 million per year, offers an opportunity for the new providers to refurbish or expand their estate in order to accommodate these new courses, whilst ensuring both current and new students are taught effectively.
In order to apply for estate funding, the T Levels Capital Fund notes a requirement that each applicant proves the need for new/refurbished space via the carrying out of a independent space utilisation survey or space modelling exercise, using the methodologies presented within the Management of Floor Space in Further Education Colleges September 2016 document (we can provide further guidance on this requirement).
Such tools determine the current and future need for space, taking into account the predicted growth of students, as well as changes in delivery and group sizes. Future planning in these instances is crucial, as significant amounts of financial resources can be saved via effectively determining how future teaching demands translate into future space requirements.
Careful Planning Saves Money
Most colleges spend an average of £60/square metre/year. This means that a typical 25-person classroom can cost around £4200/annum just to maintain. Ensuring each institution maximises the utilisation of each teaching space and plans the future teaching space provision effectively, should therefore be regarded as critical element of any estate strategy.
The T Levels Capital Fund requests, as part of a capital funding application, that Space Utilisation Survey and Space Modelling exercises be carried out by each applicant institution in order to determine their current and future teaching space requirements. These type of exercises provide data backed evidence that institutions can use to ensure the future estate adapts to the predicted changes in demands, utilising space effectively and enabling estate investment to be spent wisely.
In addition to determining future space requirements, these services can be used to highlight discrepancies between planned and actual class sizes, high numbers of bookings not attended, or an uneven spread of room usage throughout the year, all of which could be skewing results and misinforming future planning of the estates. This is especially important in the case of the FE sector where financial resources are not easily obtained.
At Education Space Consultancy we offer FE institutions comprehensive Space Utilisation Survey and Space Modelling services, that will determine each clients’ space type and room size requirements and uncover areas for improvement, enabling our clients to spend finances effectively. Both services strictly follow the methodology requested by the T Levels Capital Fund whilst also providing additional analysis and recommendations that our clients can use to improve both the utilisation of space and the accuracy of their timetables.
The Role of Curriculum Design and Timetabling
Confirmed by academic research and our own experience, is the fact that redesigning estates will not serve its purpose unless the curriculum design, timetabling practices and the estate are developed hand in hand. It is crucial that all institutions recognise that the refurbishment or additions of new spaces, with the latest equipment and furniture, will not alone guarantee an effective usage of spaces.
We highly recommend that curriculum planning and design, estates management and timetabling maintain regular consultations to ensure that any new teaching spaces are desired by staff who are ready for any required adjustment in their teaching and that the timetabling team is prepared and able to schedule this new teaching style demand.
What steps are you taking to prepare for estates changes? Get in touch regarding any inquiries or questions;
Ben Moreland, Director
Tel: 01172 303468
Email: ben.moreland@educationspaceconsultancy.com